Self-Regulation Code
Self-Regulation Code
SCC subscribes to the Portuguese Brewers’ Self-Regulation Code which reinforces the ethical aspects of commercial communications (advertising) and contributes to more responsible beer consumption habits. Among others, the code’s principles establish that advertising cannot be aimed at minors, nor encourage them to drink or suggest that beer can imply any social, sports or sexual success. It also forbids any publicity related with drinking and driving.
The Portuguese Brewers’ Commercial Communications Self-Regulation Code is considered as a “best in practice” in Europe, with subscription to by Associação da Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal (AHRESP) and Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Distribuição (APED). Compliance with the code’s principles is monitored by an independent entity, ARP - Auto-Regulação Publicitária.
Other provisions relating to alcoholic beverage advertising, voluntarily implemented by SCC as an additional commitment and beyond the legislation in force, include:
- First national brewer to include the logo “Seja Responsável. Beba com Moderação” (Be Responsible. Drink in Moderation) in all its packaging to raise awareness to responsible consumption;
- Voluntary application of alcoholic beer regulations to non-alcoholic beer provided that the non-alcoholic beer brand has the same name as the alcoholic one.
- Aligned with European Brewers’ recommendations and industry practices, SCC provides information on the ingredients and nutrition value in the packaging and/or online labels of all its beers and ciders. Sagres beer was the first Portuguese brand to do this. Keeping pace with increasingly demanding consumers for information related with the goods they consume, the brand now enables them to know the products’ nutritional parameters like fat, carbohydrate, protein and salt content.
Did you know that:
- In Portugal, 18 is the legal age to buy and drink alcoholic beverages.
- According to the advertising code, alcoholic beverage ads can only be shown on TV after 10.30pm.
- The phrase “Be Responsible. Drink in Moderation” displayed in beer and cider labels is an auto-regulation commitment of the sector and not a legal requirement.